Zeta Potential Analysis Service
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) for Zeta Potential Measurement
Zeta potential refers to the surface charge of particles in a fluid and plays a crucial role in material stability. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) is a highly reliable method for determining zeta potential. This technique relies on the Brownian motion of particles and utilizes visible light radiation with a wavelength of 633 nm. The method can measure the zeta potential of colloidal samples, suspensions, and emulsions.
Key Features of our DLS Device
Our Zetasizer Nano ZSP System is equipped with a 633 nm laser and utilizes capillary-type cuvettes made of polystyrene with gold electrodes, which are disposable for convenience. It enables precise measurement of zeta potential for particles ranging in size from 3.8 nm to 100 micrometers.
Laboratory Senior Assistant and Contact Information:
Fatemeh Yazdi Samadi (MSc in Medical Engineering), Core Facility-DLS Analysis; Email: f.yazdi @avicenna.ac.ir; Contact Number: +98 (21) 22432020 – Ext.106,
Fax: +98 (21) 22432021
Fax: +98 (21) 22432021
Location of Laboratory:
Zetasizer Nano ZSP System can be accessible at Nanobiotechnology Laboratory situated on the ground floor of Avicenna Research Institute, located within Shahid Beheshti University.
Working Schedule:
The laboratory operates from Saturday to Wednesday, between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
Service Policy and Costs:
The cost of tests or services will vary depending on the sample type and specific testing requirements. Therefore, upon the initial inquiry, the laboratory will provide information regarding the cost of the requested test.
Sample Submission:
To ensure smooth processing, please coordinate with the laboratory senior assistant at least 48 hours before sending the sample plus the DLS customer form completed and signed by the supervisor.