Zhamak PahlevanzadehManager of Central Research Laboratories

The Core Facility

The Central Laboratories and Core Facility of Avicenna Research Institute (ARI) were launched in August 2015 and are currently in operation. The purposes of launching the Core Facility are integrated management based on our capabilities with technical and specialized support for equipment, laboratory facilities, and research materials. Such centralized management eases the development of lab activities in three specialized fields including laboratory income, cooperation between laboratories, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
Therefore, it provides a platform to increase the efficiencies of services, equipment and manpower, and prevents waste of financial resources in laboratory services in the country.
The Core Facility is trying to meet the needs of professors, students, and researchers for specified laboratory services with the highest quality and in a cost effective manner.
Therefore, relying on the principle of respect for privacy and trust of clients, we are responsible to provide laboratory services in the shortest possible time with high quality outcomes.
Our main purpose is enabling scientists to achieve ambitious research goals in a cost effective way. For more information, please follow the link below:

شبکه آزمایشگاهی فناوری های راهبردی
Iran High-Tech Laboratory Network

How to use the services!

In order to use the laboratory services, please select the below labs and services and send an Email to the manager, supervisor, or assistant of the specified lab or call them and make the inquiries.

It is important to note that due to the observance of the specific safety principles of some laboratories, the application form for accepting the specific sample should also be completed by the applicant beforehand. In case of any questions, inquiries, or obtaining instructions, please call the manager of core facility at
+98 (21) 22432020, Ext. 205.
You may also send emails at

Manager of core facility: Zhamak Pahlevanzadeh

Core Facility Services

Avicenna Research Institute (ARI), affiliated with ACECR, started its activities in 1998 with the objective of achieving technical knowledge in biotechnologies through the implementation of laboratory and clinical study and research projects.

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